One line from every book I own.
1. If we hadn’t burnt the library of Alexandria then we’d have reached Alpha Centauri by now and all the spaceships would have Greek writing on them.
2. Exemplary among this garden of ruins is Duchamp’s failure to sell his Rotorelief optical toys at an amateur inventor’s fair.
3. The border between blue and green?
4. It’s not supposed to be a seal of legitimacy.
5. It was a nice room in a dead mother kind of way.
6. Excreta fluxorum, excrement from: catapillar, bird, turtle, hamster, horse, cat, sheep, cockroach, lion, antelope, $10…
7. Melt away scene at 5.18 and melt in scene at 5.19.
8. Over eighty Air Force personnel, all trained observers assigned to the Eighty-First Security Police Squadron, witnessed the take off.
9. Nobody Wants To See A Movie With Madonna In It.
10. These nest camps where baby Pinochets bud (Nobel Kissinger on his knees gripping the alter-bowl vomiting up a stomach hash of millions – suddenly his ghost stands up through him, called to lead the 911 investigation.
11. Eight people were photographed at the instant exactly after each had been told by the artist’s assistant: “You have a beautiful face,” or “You have a very special face,” or “You have a remarkable face,” or something very much like that.
12. You forgot your cup.
13. They go to McDonalds with a guitar and solo along with the music.
14. We used the middle floor as a communal space and so it was unavoidable that I should be a witness to an artistic method of working that was hitherto unknown to me.

15. A rural stone wall breached by detonated high explosives.
16. Are cow sheds the fountain of coziness?
17. Mick Jagger and Brian Jones going home satisfied after composing I Can’t Get No Satisfaction.
18. Propping up a bar, eyeing up the “Euro-birds,” the would-be lothario Derek Trotter spots a pair of likely “sorts” and, straightening up, alerts his drinking pal, Trigger, before casually leaning back again.
19. I would like to be reincarnated as my mother.
20. It is the night before a 10 page research paper on World War II is due and you have not started it.
21. Eagle Headed Blengin, Non Posionious, also Spangled, Wings Three Quarters Part Closed.
22. He did a lot of The Flintstones.
23. Pictures have to talk for themselves.
24. They are holding a warm conversation amidst this paradise in which the birds sing.
25. The painting was the victim.
26. Weard fruits.
27. If the father limps, the son dances.
28. He instantly has to unload anything that occurs to him.
29. The assimilation of the aborigines and education according to white values is handled here with the devices of Hollywood mother-daughter melodramas.
30. If Levitt’s accent is streetwise and saucy, if she takes humour as seriously as distress and prefers the vernacular to the fashionable, her goal is not unlike T.S. Eliot’s focus on “the still point of the turning world.”
31. One only sees the balls hurtling downward against trees and sky – a kind of obsessive, loopy and irrational activity.
32. This filthy gesture brought all his relationships – not only with the art world but also with his own former aspirations toward visual and conceptual purity – into crisis.
33. On the beach or in the dunes a cubiform house inside Samurai’s sword is a blood sausage pedestal.
34. The barrister was constantly torturing me because I couldn’t read fast enough for him.
35. So you have changed your name to exactly what it was before in the spirit of refreshing yourself as though you were a web page.
36. Enough of that.
37. A fly on a wasp.
38. Idiot honesty banana raspberry peanuts.
39. Fuck me if you can squatting in the closet, with your clothes up, grunting like a young sow doing her dung, and a big fat dirty snaking thing coming slowly out of your backside.

40. In the second place: Plato, like all mystics, has, in his beliefs, a core of certainty which is essentially incommunicable except by a way of life.
41. So greedy eat it with the paper on.
42. It’s amazing that empathy for such material is even possible.
43. Tracks that I listen to regularly that I’m not ashamed of, including the likes of Chris de Burgh, Tracy Chapman, The Levellers and Dire Straits.
44. Duchamp’s idea was eventually carried out by Daniel Spoerri in 1964.
45. Scruffy pigeons have spent the night fucking on the Great Pyramid.
46. We can talk about ghosts as much as you like, but there will be no conversations, whatsoever, about oranges.
47. In this queer life there is nowt that much surprises me.
48. We ignored the Kiwis for a minute and stared down into Hell.
49. Indeed, the Darko Maver prank highlights the anarchic, impersonal aspects of the internet, and the difficulty of verifying any concrete truth in a sea of data.
50. Or take Douglas Huebler’s Variable Piece #70 (1971), where he attempts to: “photographically document, to the extent of his capacity, the existence of everyone alive in order to produce the most authentic and inclusive representation of the human species that may be assembled in that manner.
51. When the show travels to the next city, mount this photo on the wall at waist level and repeat the firing of the shotgun as described above.
52. It was legible without being pretty-pretty.
53. The reason is that pregnancy is in a certain sense a cancellation of the guilt incurred by coitus: thus coitus bears all the shame and disgrace of the affair, while pregnancy, which is so intimately associated with it, stays pure and innocent and is indeed to some extent sacred.
54. The moon once asked her mother to make her a little cloak that would fit her well.
55. Certainly, small feet and perfectly turned shoulders aid the impression of refined manners, and the right thing said seems quite astonishingly right when it is accompanied with exquisite cures of lip and eyelid.
56. Force yourself to write down what is of no interest, what is most obvious, most common, most colourless.
57. Any electromagnetic wave suitable for carrying sounds or pictures through the air from a transmitter to a receiver.
58. Not more than a dozen have been discovered and this is the most perfect single specimen I know of.
59. Do you like me more than I like you, Chuck?
60. Inside the wagon, Pinocchio was sitting on the floor of his cage, Jiminy on his knee.
61. The experience that followed was so weird, and so literally maddening to me, that I will not attempt to describe my feelings.
62. How in fact, could a nose, which only yesterday was in the middle of his face, and which could not possibly walk around or drive in a carriage, suddenly turn up in a uniform!
63. Your conclusion that large numbers of people in this country, perhaps as many as five million, are all victims of an identical mass hallucination is asinine.

64. The more accurate the machine gets, the lazier the questions become.
65. The number of possible combinations of these variable lines is 23,298,085,122,481.
66. What you just heard was, for me, probably one of the most important moments in radio history within the last twenty-five years.
67. My wife has gone to the aurora borealis, I am a bag of cement in the cemetery.
68. We’ll be playing here every day, until the end of the world.
69. The complexity of an historical period is truly revealed when as many as possible of its cultural artifacts are examined.
70. By the time I reach you I may just be a single and gigantic face.
71. Oh, that’s Slagonica, and she is going to rip you limb from fucking limb, unless u do what we tell u to.
72. Watching a movie, we are motionless, and the image moves within and across the screen.
73. In fact the moon is a piece of entropy (porridge) shit – out from some system, either the Earth (all that labor to produce life must have left some big waste product) or some other system and captured by the earth.
74. Inside is a collection of fine pottery, broken apart and then glued back together.
75. In the Moorish Screen, the mood is domestic; in The Hindu Pose, it is exotic; and in Odalisque with Magnolias, unequivocally sensual.
76. The most prudent and effective method of dealing with the world around us is to assume that it is a complete fiction – conversely the one small node of reality left to us is inside our own heads.
77. While working on a garden for insomniacs featuring plants that only bloomed at night-time, Kerbel found that it would be difficult to provide the combination of necessary environmental conditions for the species selected.
78. The train’s gonna crush us, cap'n!
79. I was locked in locker number 5 for five consecutive days and did not leave the locker during this time.
80. The composer of the theme, Barrington Pheloung, actually weaves the names of each programme’s killer into the theme tune of each episode.
81. Laban’s dream was to create a “universally applicable” notation that could capture the frenzy and nuance of modern dance, and he developed a system of 1421 abstract symbols to record the dancer’s every movement in space, as well as the energy levels and timing with which they were made.
82. Monsieur Songe has always confused talking with writing.
83. Shimabuku says, “Art must be magic, very cheap but very good.”
84.In order to maintain this anti-art business-first role, he adopts the stance of a dummy, constantly proclaiming the intellectual emptiness of his work and separating himself from the critical community.
85. That an artist should never become professional.
86. Are human beings becoming irrelevant?87. I don’t play about at the periphery of matters.
88. Painting the tiny gold of the church doorknobs, Misty said, “Maybe.”
89. It’s a dazzling sentence, partnered by a drawing of an open door, a chair in the room beyond, a black box on the chair, a blood stained towel over the back of the chair; it’s a sentence that ranks with Gertrude Stein’s best.
90. And in Dublin in 1952 Schrödinger gave a lecture in which at one point he jocularly warned his audience that what he was about to say might “seem lunatic.”

91. I thought if we all drank that balanced electrolyte solution, we’d win…
92. How can anyone get lost in a tree?
93. My tongue touched the tongue of a dog!
94. I always have to eat alone because nobody likes me.
95. No one recognizes me in my very clever disguise.
96. “Good title for a bad novel,” remarked Chateau.
97. I had allowed him to be buried alive.
98. The combination of these two atmospheres unnerved, and doubtless was intended to unnerve, Millie’s friends.
99. At different times throughout my life I’ve had horses, cows, rabbits, uncountable cats, dogs and a goose called Mr. Levy that my mother once dressed up as Santa Claus, perhaps to distract from the skimpy presents that were under the tree.
100. Now that satellites are approaching the moon, circling the moon, landing on the moon, and now that we are getting ready to send men themselves to the moon, any bit of information about the moon is helpful.
101. “That Goose is a living nuclear reactor.”
102. Jesus Christ was not a hard taskmaster.
103. It is always interesting, even in the prisoner’s dock, to hear oneself being talked about.
104. There was the wide-open window of her bedroom, the green branches peeping in, the fresh morning air, the scent of poplar, lilac and rose, the bed, a chair with the dress she had worn yesterday thrown over it, slippers, a watch on the table – all these objects he saw clearly and precisely, but the girl’s features, her sweet dreamy smile, the very thing he most desired to see, slipped his imagination as quicksilver slips through fingers.
105. The brief avalanche of dissolving talc that fell across her eyes as I moved my lips across their lids contained all the melancholy of this derelict vehicle, its leaking engine oil and radiator coolant.
106. I would rather avoid both; but if I had to choose one or the other I would rather suffer wrong than do wrong.
107. Spiders hanging from your eyes you have very low standards your look is befitting of a beggar you are not allowed in the restaurant you must eat in the bar area.
108. I want to have my lunch in peace.
109. He felt strangely troubled as he contemplated this child who, with his pointed muzzle, green eyes, long ears, resembled some degenerate with the instinctive intelligence and craftiness of a savage, gradually reverting to man’s animal origins.
110. And hosts of things will appear for which people will have to find new names – a stone eye, a big three-cornered arm, a toe-crutch, a spider-jaw, and somebody who has gone to sleep in his comfortable bed, in his quiet, warm bedroom, will wake up naked on a bluish patch of earth, in a forest of rustling pricks, rising all red and white towards the sky like the chimneys of Jouxtebouville, with big testicles half way out of the ground, hairy and bulbous, like onions.

111. He compressed his lips so tightly that they seemed almost to disappear.
112. Everyone will have had the experience of dropped milk bottles bouncing unharmed113. When Captain Blood, at sea, discovers that he is pursued by the Dutch Admiral Van Tromp, he considers throwing the women overboard.
114. Your interactions with other people were almost entirely scripted from their point of view.
115. “Speaking of novels,” I said, “you remember we decided once, you, your husband and I, that Proust’s rough masterpiece was a huge, ghoulish fairy tale, an asparagus dream, totally unconnected with any possible people in any historical France, a sexual travestissement and a colossal farce, the vocabulary of genius and its poetry, but no more, impossibly rude hostess, please let me speak, and even ruder guests, mechanical Dostoevskian rows and Tolstoian nuances of snobbishness repeated and expanded to an unsufferable length, adorable seascapes, melting avenues, no, do not interrupt me, light and shade effects rivalling those of the greatest English poets, a flora of metaphors, described – by Cocteau, I think – as “a mirage of suspended gardens,” and, I have not yet finished, an absurd, rubber-and-wire romance between a blond young blackguard (the fictitious Marcel), and an improbable jeune fille who has a pasted-on bosom, Vronski’s (and Lyovin’s) thick neck, and a cupid’s buttocks for cheeks; but – and now let me finish sweetly – we were wrong, Sybil, we were wrong in denying out little beau tenebreux the capacity of evoking “human interest” : it is there, it is there – maybe a rather eighteenth-centuryish, or even seventeenth-centuryish, brand, but it is there.
116. I felt an indignant horror as at some monstrous reversal of the order of nature: as a man might feel if his favourite opinion was suddenly controverted in detail by a chimpanzee.
117. Every night I dream that you look and look at me and don’t recognize me.
118. No bounds to my sorrow.
119. The cloud, sculptured into a flattering likeness of Leonora, had begun to tilt, rotating in the disturbed air.
120. The correct fractionation of petroleum is therefore a difficult art which, in addition to the necessary knowledge, involves the use of much complex measuring equipment and costly apparatus.
121. After desilverizing, the lead may have to be debismuthized, which is done by a process somewhat like desilverizing but using calcium and magnesium instead of zinc to form a dross with the bismuth.
122. Fairies are always elderly and rather strict.
123. I sometimes think being widowed is God’s way of telling you to come off the pill.
124. At last she was free to paint what she wanted: rats, her favourite subject.
125. A small group of people, shoelaces untied, is disseminated into a crowd during what appears to be a public event (possibly an art opening).
126. So I thought it was horrible to make these things that you can’t touch.
127. I have the sense that in learning, our best developments grow from works which initially strike us as “too much,” those which are intriguing, demanding, that lead us to experiences which we feel we cannot encompass, but which simultaneously provoke and encourage our efforts.
128. The next day I decided I’d been drunk.
129. He sprinkled smack and glass shards over the turd.
130. What is chewing gum?

131. I took my alarm clock to bed with me and fucked it until the hands dropped off.
132. In some areas, fibre optic cables even precede vital facilities, like water and electricity.
133. Beneath angelic fluff the star opens its eyes.
134. A vague notion of self-parody combined with dead-on critique of alienating culture-speak make the Fax-Bak works hilariously successful, certainly dumbfounding and aggravating galleries on the receiving end.
135. On the other hand it is probably safe to assume that Rembrandt and Spinoza surely would have at least passed on the street, now and again.
136. I have made thousands of drawings in my life.
137. I was afraid that what is lyrical and believable in an imaginary form might be banal and unnecessary in fact.
138. Can you construct a functioning ashtray that illustrates the passage of time?
139. Saint Augustine said: “My body is like a shattered house, too small for God to enter.”
140. A good quote is funny.
141. It’s a weird rock I found at the bottom of a cocktail.
142. Among the rain and lights I saw the figure 5 in gold on a red firetruck moving tense unheeded to gong clangs siren howls and wheels rumbling through the dark city.
143. Thirty years will be long enough for any cloud above any landscape for.
144. Numerous studies have been conducted upon patients in terminal paresis (G.P.I.), placing Reagan in a series of simulated auto-crashes, eg. multiple pile-ups, head-on collisions, motorcade attacks (fantasies of Presidential assassinations remained a continuing preoccupation, subjects showing a marked polymorphic fixation on windshields and rear trunk assemblies).
145. Her very tended hair resembled a collection of short stories.
146. He was a huge white egg floating in a sea of turquoise blue, and he was everything that there was.
147. Ambling through Central Park one day, a mouse happens upon Donald Trump, trapped in a hunter’s net.
148. It was as if the new arm was turning the knob of a door that had always been felt… but never actually seen.
149. They are watching we are sunbathing.
150. Of course, if you have little or no status within the group, it is unlikely that your attempt to capture the group’s interest in your proposed topic will be successful so long as the old topic is still nowhere near being exhausted.
151. Working in a photographic archive is a strange experience: you are faced with boxes and boxes of images of dead people, even entire nations.
152. Significantly, Piper adopts the language and tone of metaphysical philosophy, favoured by Modernist critics and Minimalist and Conceptual artists alike, which has historically excluded women and blacks from the transcendence it promises.
153. I’m one of the few women who are taken seriously.
154. It can admittedly sometimes be difficult to tell how much different it would have made if Lindsay had been male: the path she takes from goody-two-shoes to Grateful Dead follower (the show is set in the 1980s) could just as easily have been taken by a teenage boy.
155. Satsuma peel worn like a scarf by any one of the railings on Belvedere Lane meant I got the milk so she didn’t need to get more.
156. To play devil’s advocate here – Paris Hilton pretending to accidentally flash her pussy, or whatever, seems like the very definition of inauthentic, but maybe it’s a totally authentic fake pussy-flashing, and maybe she and the paparazzi and US Weekly were all working in concert to make a completely authentic fake pussy-flashing moment.
157. Two things are certain: 1) people no longer care what happens to other people; and 2) nothing makes any real difference any longer.
158. I am the one and only me and I’m the best knife thrower in the county.
159. From underwater, I can tell there is bound to be a strange moon tonight.
160. Tetradyne please…. I don’t scare easily.

161. If I were you, I would wait until transmutation night for that kind of cavorting, when all law and expectation is ineluctably suspended.
162. We took photos but they were all chaotic and unfocused because we couldn’t stop giggling.
163.The wind was still west, ruffling the edges of the cookies.
164. Apley and MacKeith in their excellent book write as follows: “The sensual satisfaction of defecation which comes from relief of rectal tension encourages an idea (powerfully supported by advertisements in many media) that defecation is good for you and failure to defecate is bad for you.
165. Wave gigantically and say: “Till we eat again.”
166. “I have slain upwards of thirty authentic dragons, but I told The Times fellow not to put that in the paper.”
167. You are feudinn, you chissel tinn, you griffel turkey, you are the purkey.
168. Here we see at the very lowest grade the will manifesting itself as a blind impulse, an obscure, dull urge, remote from all direct knowableness.
169. The tanks became stranded in the enclosure and started to open fire on themselves.
170. An active line on a walk, moving freely, without a goal.
171. On 11 April 2013, 425 million people received the same email in their inbox.
172. Although chickens kept under more natural conditions can live from fifteen to twenty years, hens in the commercial layer house last only about a year and a half.
173. The Devil’s House.
174. From above a black exclamation mark descends at left.
175. Big Bird turned 40 this week.
176. Teaching Subtraction Cutting is a playful activity.
177. He was Michelangelo in baggy shorts.
178. Then he knew that it was his own flesh that tasted good.
179. The idea that the small stones often found in fields have grown there, and that consequently it is useless to attempt to clear the ground by picking them off, was once very common.
180. Therefore: a writer who says that his inspiration has dried up because he’s “got nothing more to say,” was never a real writer.
181. When they jump, it is found that they often spread their limbs.
182. Our snapshots are a bit of the world “snapped off” for our use.
183. Forgive me again.
184. I wanted to be his wife, his mother.
185. For a year before his death he was a horse.
186. Is it an important book?
187 The platform had its own special bouquet, peanuts not just grilled but trodden as well.
188. Drawing a small knife from my belt, I cut off both the eagle’s feet.
189. A deer with broken antlers dashed under the bleachers, saw David, and ran frantically into the open again along the fence.
190. Beyond the obvious fact that he has at some time done manual labour, that he takes snuff, that he is a Freemason, that he has been in China, and that he has done a considerable amount of writing lately, I can deduce nothing else.
191. I am not allowed to sit like a dandelion on my own stem.
192. Once he inserted a bodkin – a long needle of the sort used for sewing leather – into his eye socket and rubbed it around “betwixt my eye and the bone as near to (the) backside of my eye as I could” just to see what would happen.
193. Don’t you think it’s too big for a shoe?
194. It has never embarrassed me to pose in the nude.
195. No underpants, in a country where underpants were de rigueur.
196. I could fly a kite with this hair it is so long.
197. Now why don’t you sit down and collect yourself before you ride off in all directions renting theatres and buying new cars till you know what you’re doing, get things straightened out with Father.
198. By now he is no more a stranger to my dogs than the Moon herself.

199. He also collected spiders and walking sticks.
200. Smoke went up from the whole earth, from the vapoury oceans, smoke of her praise.
201. Why sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
202. A kid gets hit by a train and flies into a zoo, where he’s eaten by wolves.
203. Skull of fuck knows what.
204. Cooper reputedly attributed her longevity to “minding her own business” and avoiding junk food.
205. I bet this computer is gay, is all.
206. Oh and on the news the lady who hijacked the plane said she had nitroglycerin and wanted Charlton Heston and Wonder Woman to read her letter on TV?
207. A true lady will always remain faithful to one perfume.
208. The other was when Chico shook hands with me and said, “I would like to say good-bye to your wife,” and I said, “Who wouldn’t?”
209. Once upon a time a mouse, a bird and a sausage fell in with one another and kept house together, living long and well and delightfully, at peace with themselves and prospering in their goods.
210. Homer’s bedtime story had been exciting, and I’d enjoyed it, even though I was almost scared by the power of what we’d done, and what we were able to do.
211. Bobby Slayton, a gravelly-voiced Dice Clay knockoff who kept introducing every female performer as “the woman I’m going to cut my dick off for,” and who astounded all the marginal print journalists in attendance with both his unfunniness and his resemblance to every apartment-complex coke dealer we’d ever met, is mercifully absent from the 1998 Awards gala.
212. If I weren’t a jones in myself I’d elect myself to be his dolphin in the wildsbillow because he is such a barefooted rubber with my supersocks pulled over his face which I publicked in my bestback garden for the laetification of siderodromites and to the irony of the stars.
213. The vagina, she said, is not where it’s at.
214. A sign which fills one with consternation is the gradual disappearance of wood, in spite of its being an ideal material because of its firmness and its softness, and the natural warmth of its touch.
215. And the swans are autumning too.
216. Peppermint equinox poem.
217. I would pull the wings off aeroplanes if I could.
218. I touched the Waterford glass with my finger: and in its ring I heard the echo of a voice saying You do not really want your wife back after all.
219. Nobody wanted to drink Rotkappchen sparkling wine any more, or smoke Club cigarettes or wear a suit from Prasent 20.
220. That big bush in the meadow looked to me like an explosion caught and fixed at its point of maximum expansion.
221. The twilight of the room, the Swiss views on the blinds ,the geraniums, the thin slices of sausage on the plates, all had a naïve, girlishly-sentimental air, and it was all in keeping with the master of the house, a good-natured little German with a round little stomach and affectionate oily little eyes.

222. He was enchanted by the mystery of coming ashore naked on an unfamiliar island.
223. Their windows and doors are like very small holes punched in very think walls.
224. When you plant a fertile meme in my mind you literally parasitize my brain, turning it into a vehicle for the meme’s propagation in just the way that a virus may parasitize the genetic mechanism of a host cell.
225. Why was the soft-faced young man, with his tame devil’s eyebrows, standing like a stone figure with a glow-worm in it?
226. In her book, Gilligan aims to show how women’s moral development has been devalued and misrepresented by male psychological researchers, how ethics have been defined only in male terms.
227. The flowers are all over the floor, but it doesn’t seem like an act of aggression.
228. It is a very important chemical being used to make plastics such as poly (ethene)
229. The previous evening it’d been blank; now, patterned with gold and very dark red, at the moment when, between rebellious eyelids, the gaze focusses by degrees on fantastic fairylands, the night darkened window was decked with a rime of rising images at which Fanny stared ,motionless, lying on a haycock of black hair, lulled by an invalid’s hope.
230. The book is about its contents.
231. During the night after this day of starvation she was heard calling out excitedly in her sleep: “Anna Fweud, stwawbewwies, wild stwawbewwies, omblet, pudden!”
232. I discovered it’s a great feeling to pick out a point on the map and to search for the place for three days, and then to find there are only two trees standing there, and a dog pissing against the tree.
233. Everything that drops is tears.
234. When our women had all turned into cedar trees they would group together in a corner of the graveyard and moan in the high wind.
235. Pythagoras thought that mathematics is the study of numbers, and that each number is a separate eternal entity dwelling in a super-sensible heaven.
236. Would Frank Sinatra do this onstage?
237. The place occupied by the violin is now taken by a dildo.
238. Prostrating her body to read the name inscribed in marble, she steeped it in tears and warmed the words with her naked breasts.
239. I remember swapping my violin for a Mars Bar when I was in Year 2, and when my parents found out they chucked the biggest mental and got on the phone to the kid’s parents to cancel the deal.
240. Heck, the average fan can often tell you Michael Jordan’s scoring average quicker than his own wife’s age.
241. The sound filled and honeycombed the collected room, making the rapt audience one with itself, a great golden object rising slowly through space.
242. Or, to be precise, she is not a door-keeper, but her head, monstrously specialised, is itself the door, fitting exactly, like a stopper, into the entrance of the nest.
243. You might say my work is like an artistic disaster.
244. Something that is taking shape in my mind and will sometime come to consciousness.
245. Sir Isaac Newton’s little dog which, according to legend, one winter’s morning upset a candle on his master’s desk causing the destruction of the records of many years’ experiments.
246. You must promise to taste delicious.
247. Pink Panther is about masturbation.

248. They teach us to prance around like monkeys.
249. Shit I have one more ice pop.
250. When the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi asked John Lennon why his group was leaving the Transcendental Meditation Retreat in Wales in 1967, Lennon said, “Well if you’re so fucking cosmic you oughta know.”
251. I am sometimes drawn to beautiful and small stores with very little products inside.
252. But what looks like a mouth or eye, soulfully intimate, is in fact a vagina about to be “eaten,” and at the bottom of the picture we are provocatively confronted with an anus – balancing the composition in ribald parody of classical laws of composition.
253. The streets are completely filled with dirt, clay packs the rooms to the ceiling, on every stair another stairway is set in negative, over the roofs of the houses hang layers of rocky terrain like skies with clouds.
254. The artist deceives the saving Eros by producing magical objects which feed the fantasy life of the ego and its desire for omnipotence.
255. My dream you were in it but only in the distance.
256. I am a lonely, emotionally-impaired human castaway.
257. Could this really be the last morning of my life?
258. Everyone else left their armour in their personal areas or took it home at the end of each day, and over time I got annoyed at his helmet every time I went to look at the treasure.
259. I believe London is simply teeming with first-chop, unwritten plays.
260. Is it reasonable to decipher megalithic monuments using information theory?
261. On the one hand, Rimbaud represents this pure romanticism: “I’m going to invent a new language every time I sit down to write.”
262. I have worked out that Charles Darwin could not be my father, because he died in 1882, but I am going to finish the book anyway.
263. When I believe, as I do, that I am sitting in my study and am surrounded by tables, books, and chairs; that outside my study, and extending far beyond what I can presently hear or see, is a whole city with millions of people in it – all this is perfectly good exercise of my capacity for rationality.
264. The true problem, however, resides in the potentially catastrophic consequences for the Church itself if the tests indicate again that the Shroud is authentic (from Christ’s time and place): there are traces of “Christ”’s blood on it, and some biochemists are already working on its DNA – so what will this DNA say about Christ’s FATHER (not to mention to prospect of CLONING Christ)?
265. Her first efforts did no more than force out a little of the spunk Mony had deposited there; then came the shit, yellow and soft, which fell in several pieces and, as she laughed and wriggled her arse, these turds fell here and there, scattered all over Mony’s body.
266. Dip the song in the stream.

267. She makes no special effort to seem friendly.
268. “Drag off yon skinny fop and raise your glasses!” someone cried.
269. And then, after six years, she saw him again.
270. He got up, and with a certain sadness he opened a little silver-gilt box with a lid studded with aventurines.
271. It is painful to be required to surrender one’s claim to originality in that way.
272. I used to be 8 centimetres high and I lived in an antique furniture shop.
273. They were the strongest mortals ever breed on earth, the strongest, and they fought against the strongest too, shaggy Centaursm wild brutes of the mountains – they hacked them down, terrible, deadly work.
274. Three patrolmen – Staff Sergeant James Penniston, Airman First Class John Burroughs, and Airman First Class Edward Cabansag – were dispatched into the forest to investigate.
275. Or is part of the universe out from under God’s control?
276. Fathers are like blocks of marble – giant cubes, highly polished, with veins and seams – placed squarely in your path.
277. Twisting round during execution, he manages to have the top of his head sliced off like a boiled egg.
278. Through spaces smaller than red globules of man’s blood they creepycrawl after Blake’s buttocks into eternity of which this vegetable world is but a shadow.
279. According to popular (but disputed) folklore, Meadowhall shopping centre was designed such that, should it have been a commercial failure, it could easily have been converted into a prison.
280. As the subject of the photograph faced towards the south, the left side of her body was oriented towards the west; as time “moves” from east to west, the photograph represents the young woman during an instant when approximately half of her body existed within the old year, 1973, while the other half had entered the new year, 1974: indeed, consistent with the spirit of the season she wears the costume of the New Year’s Baby.
281. “To tell you the honest truth,” Sancho replied, “I’m scared out of my wits by that squire’s enormous nose, and I daren’t stay with him all by myself.”
282. Little did I know that he was Vito Acconci.
283. The reader is compelled to think of the race between the tortoise and the hare, in which Roth plays the role of the hare or more specifically the “piss hare up shit creek” or the “Scheisshasen” (shit hare, Swabian for a timid person) in a fix, who is vexed by the crafty tortoises “here I am!”
284. You’re not artistic and you have no artistic integrity.
285. If I ever had to cast an acting role, I want the wrong person for the part.
286. I’m the new character, don’t be mad at me.
287. Jesus in the Dessert.
288. The retrospective judgement of Lucy Lippard, an eyewitness to the early days, would thus come as little surprise: “Austerity took precedence over hedonism, even to the point of deliberate “boredom” (sanctified by Minimalism as an alternative to frenetic expressionist individualism and crowd-pleasing Pop.)
289. Your nose and your ears retract into the flesh of the face like the little feet of an oyster.
290. Dogs, pigs, cows, rats and even flies and caterpillars were arraigned in court on charges ranging from murder to obscenity.
291. What is happening on screen at that point is very simple, but it requires the additional one and a half hours of preceding scenes to make the audience receptive and sensitive enough to be able to understand that this is one of the deepest moments you can ever encounter.
292. Not only is it absurd, but a serious person can never have sex.
293. What was “walking on water,” if it wasn’t Bible talk for surfing?
294. They all fly off at the same time.

295. If my rage at the impoverishment of ideas, narcissism, and disguised sexual exhibitionism of most dancing can be considered puritan moralizing, it is also true that I love the body – its actual weight, mass, and unenhanced physicality.
296. And, lest the reader expects a love story with soppy, romantic undertones, Haraway reminds us of dogs’ historical role in the genocide of Native Americans, in the maintenance of African-American slavery and in assisting US soldiers in carrying out war crimes in Vietnam.
297. Think of a smell, make it, piece.
298. Nobody enjoys pretzels in caves.
299. A piece that is essentially the same as a piece made by any of the first conceptual artists, dated two years earlier than the original and signed by somebody else (January, 1970).
300. I believe he could hear the sound of a mosquito’s eyelash falling on the floor.
301. I was powerful glad to hear from you and I am pleased that you liked the gorilla.
302. Anarchism really stands for the liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion; the liberation of the human body from the dominion of property; liberation from the shackles and restraint of government.
303. I would have liked to have been invited to participate in Documenta IX because the invitation would have constituted a moment of professional recognition that I would have found narcissistically gratifying, narcissistically stabilizing.
304. As Cady Noland has said, “Violence used to be part of life in America and had a positive reputation… there was a kind of righteousness about violence – the break with England, fighting for our rights,” but “at present we don’t have a ‘language of dissension.'”
305. The whole nation knows when three know.
306. The terms “artist’s book” was already around, from a show curated by Diane Vanderlip at Moore College of Art in 1973.
307. You cannot learn what you are.
308. Black criticism was blocked from the discussions of Modernism, which are defined as exclusively white by an intricate and insidious cooperation of art galleries, museums, and academic art history, and also blocked from any discussion of “primitivism,” which has been colonized beyond recognition in the space of the international and now global museum.
309. A few people you would’ve fallen in love with if you’d met.
310. perry n, pl -ries an alcoholic drink made from fermented pear juice.
311. The sun like a sneaky keyhole view of hell.
312. Such an enquiry would lead to an understanding of the ultimate reality which lies behind that which we confront in sensory experience.
313. The notion that femininity is a masquerade, or a matter of acting out a role, was originally advanced by the British psychoanalyst Joan Riviere in her paper “Womanliness as Masquerade” published in 1929.
314. W. Reich (1933) argued that fascism resulted from sexual repression in an authoritarian and inhibited society; he concentrated on the sexual symbolism of fascist collective rituals.
315. She seemed to be climaxing almost continuously, moaning and purring as she ripped through his legs, swallowing them in ragged chunks and lapping up the blood.”

316. Or, the delivery of a speech to an imaginary person in different spaces in a room.
317. The book cannot be summarized, it needs to be read.
318. Satellites can bounce LASER light off of your windows and, by measuring the minute distance differences between a vibrating window and the satellite, reconstruct your speech – from orbit!
319. As you go out of the drug store, Mr Parker’s voice will carry on where he had left off, and his daughter will sit there, sadly popping her chewing-gum.
320. Thus photographs form a magic circle around us in the shape of the photographic universe.
321. There used to be no house, hardly a room, in which someone had not once died.
322. There is no further conversation.
323. Get off that tambourine.
324. The term comes from the refusal of North Americans to eat tomatoes until the 1820s.
325. Either you have to not be serious and seem it, or to be serious and not seem it.
326. Following Barthes’s reading of Sade, when the Lady chooses to bathe in her slave’s shit, she (whether wittingly or unwittingly) eroticizes his turd and becomes complicit in its “elevation to the status of phallus.”
327. And there’s more: string theory, though still poorly understood, has evolved into another theory, M-theory, of which we know even less, but which seems to be leading us to this conclusion: space and time do not actually exist, but are only approximations of something more complex.
328. Then, when he pulled the zipper up past his chest in a single movement, the black mosaic burst into coloured lights.
329. A woman’s love is not worth anything until it has been cleaned of all romanticism.
330. Perhaps the most apparent ethical conflict became clear when the same intelligence detail of the FBI who was assigned to harass, threaten, and try to convince King to kill himself were then assigned to investigate his murder.
331. For reasons of conservation and contrary to the instructions provided by Franz West, this work mustn’t be used or touched.
332. Whoever was firing that gun really thought about it every time they pulled the trigger.
333. The way to see how beautiful life is, is from the vantage point of death.
334. I think I want a wife who has a cock.
335. My armpits are like black moons.
336. All of us who talk and write reveal what kind of things we think important and what we think trivial.
337. But I do think that political artists could become more relevant if they were to confront these issues instead of safely parade as Stalinist realists, CNN situationists, or Jamie Oliver – meets – probation officer social engineers.
338. Freud’s suggestion is that the recollection of these early experiences is repressed because they are so intimately associated with the primitive, selfish, pleasure-seeking tendencies of early childhood; tendencies which were initially repressed because they met with punishment and parental disaffection; tendencies which are denied present expression because they would be so painfully inconsistent with our socially-derived notions of the sort of person we are and the way we should behave.
339. Amy Sillman said to me once, “Dumb people make great work, too.”
340. If before you could imagine each router as a cloister on a quiet mountaintop, the incredible growth in the number of machines meant that those routers were now piling up near one another, forming villages.
341. This tale of absence, castration, deficiency, negativity, substitution was composed by one whom Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari describe as “an overconscious idiot who has no understanding of multiplicities.”
342. No monochromatic wavelength exists for brown.

343. If this were some sort of materialization of his psyche you’d expect his face to appear on TV, not on money or matchfolders.
344. I was wonderful in order to balance, to attempt to balance, your foul behaviour.
345. Books are a load of crap.
346. The marking of this cubicle with the dog’s over-bright urine defined the small terrain coming under his sway.
347. One is a map of a thirty six square mile area of the Pacific Ocean where there’s no land masses – the map is actually completely vacant.
348. A professor of mathematics at the Collegio Romano was convinced that Galileo had put the four moons of Jupiter inside the tube.
349. Unwittingly these creations are a test, not only of material durability but of national boundaries.
350. The sense of fried egg found between the pages of Mrs Beeton or a sinister mushroom is a totally illogical one, though Scott might admit to Surrealist connotations.
351. Once when my mother still sang.
352. The stones are full of entrails.
353. They just sit on rocks singing waiting for you to harpoon them.
354. A bee plays the cello with a harp made from a blade of grass.
355. Ideally this work would be hung to the right of a work by Ed Ruscha, but it could also be installed with nothing at all or close to something else entirely different.
356. The findings of the Maimonides programme of research offer scientific support for the possibility of telepathic influence on dream content.
357. But his judgemental eyes said to her: “Where is my lord, for you have taken him away and I know not where you have hidden him.”
358. After the shooting of the film was completed, the cast was never informed that film was not used.
359. “Shut up a bit,” he said.
360. He’s been listening to a lot of Christian rock lately, finds it surprisingly robust.
361. I think I got the idea from Sol LeWitt; he had a stamp that said “Bullshit.”
362. We had one performance artist who for his crit, seminar, got his friends to come in and beat him up in front of the group of students.
363. Sarah Palin is certainly sincere in her belief that she is a maverick.
364. Jeffrey or Jessie or Mary or Ben first told me about people covering themselves in goose fat and being sewn into their clothes for winter.
365. In everything you do, you see something wrong with what you’ve done before, or something that maybe made sense once, but doesn’t make much sense now, so you try to bring something else in.
366. Jamie says going for a run this morning “was a ball ache after that massage last night.”
367. Little sales ladies little sales ladies little saddles of mutton.
368. Sitting alone deep at night many crocodiles steal onto the bank like intangible poems crawling between fingers under masses of grass and leaves unknowingly you are being eaten.
369. I said, but Professor, you are looking for a chicken in an abstract painting.
370. Peeling pears – sweet juice drips from the knife blade.
371. Your heart still remains unsettled like the wavering of a cosmos flower after the bee is gone.
372. Me and my brothers say bollocks.
373. Truly, your human soul is like a boiled turnip.

374. Everyone I know likes stories about the origin of dogs.
375. I don’t know that I imagined God as having thought it all out, but somehow He was connected with the pattern, He was the pattern, He was those spiders which I was watching in the light of my electric torch on summer nights.
376. It’s beautifully made of course, but it’s got a swastika on the hilt.
377. A very very distant cuckoo call endorsed the silence like a mark or signature.
378. His epilepsy subdues him with fatal regularity, but every one of his seizures is preceded by an overpowering and universal sense of harmony, producing a psychic happiness for which he was willing to give ten years of his life or even his entire life.
379. It occurred to him that what had appeared utterly impossible before – that he had not lived his life as he should have done – might after all be true.
380. I suppose I may have seen everything in detail, but I don’t remember everything, and there’s no use inventing it.
381. Let us go back and see what Bodo’s wife, Ermentrude, is doing.
382. Drake sat down, relaxing comfortably, as though he intended to stay for hours.
383. She said no, she only wanted to watch Chelsea Girls, because her daughter had jumped in front of a train right after seeing it.
384. He began by looking about the room as if he expected to see some strange animal roosting in a corner.
385. “Well, there’s no sense fighting our custard,” she declared with feminine acumen.
386. Quakers set up the first anti-slavery society, which lead to the first law challenging slavery: any slave who set foot in England became a free person.
387. We should not think of studying an ants’ nest to find out which of the ants performed their formicular duty, and we should certainly not think of picking out those individual ants who were remiss and putting them into a bonfire.
388. No, I’ll never remember it like this.
389. “Their language is entirely untranslatable.”
390. And when they opened the truck, they pushed men one way, woman to the other way…
391. She doesn’t like the way you write it’s pretentious yah I know it is that was her talking as you.
392. Music tends to succeed when it seems least calculated, when it sounds on the verge of completely collapsing into ineptitude or corn, but some weird ineffable energy holds it together.
393. The Doritos bag takes a huge sword from behind the back of its bag and decapitates the young man.
394. The human prefrontal cortex does not fully develop until the early twenties, and this underlies the impulsive behaviour of teenagers.
395. One day, during summer, I stepped on a dead sparrow in a street in Paris.
396. Everything is something playing with something else.
397. Technology is already deep inside you.
398. A charcoal line on a wall can be a greater work of art than the most perfectly executed painting.
399. My curiosity is greater than that of any other man.
400. So much of what moves us, escapes us.
401. A jigsaw puzzle completed with a 2cm space between each piece.
402. The flow of speech in this drama should overlap.
403. I will not reincarnate as Sammy Davis, Jr.
404. But this is my superb coat.

405. But the leap from the udder of a cow to the Statue of Liberty came automatically.
406. Truth comes to light when you think really hard. (both laugh)
407. It takes three months for the fire to cross the Channel.
408. Well, I mean, I sort of skim it, and then I start feeling my heart fluttering, and when they say something that seems kind of great, I get flutters.
409. There is no law of nature that some people have to work themselves to death, through injury and disease caused by their jobs, through chronic malnutrition, through exhaustion, or even from boredom of meaningless work, while others stand to make immense profits, not through their own labor, but through ownership, influence, control, State office, or simple maleness or white skin.
410. Their knees did not touch.
411. The better looking one will survive.
412. The other real me is there all the time, but it has to be suppressed because of the conformity.
413. These samples show unprecedented possibilities.
414. Dear Major O'Dwyer: Why can’t Manhattan Island be more beautiful?